With the aim of providing an insight into plastic pollution, solutions, and good practice examples regarding biodiversity (especially water) and how to effectively communicate information between different stakeholders, our colleagues from NIC organised the event “Scientific and business approaches for effective communication on microplastics and biodiversity” on 7 June 2024 in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and hybrid.
The event was attended by 40 interested people from a wide range of stakeholder groups (general public, industry, local and national authorities, and research/scientific communities).
Milica Velimirovic, our project coordinator, from VITO, opened the workshop and our colleague Ondrej Panák, from NIC, gave an oral presentation on the SSbD4CheM project including an explanation of the SSbD framework and how the project aims to contribute to the development of this framework with its 3 case studies, highlighting the cosmetics case study, in which NIC is involved. Several participants expressed interest in follow-up activities of the project, in paticular the Slovenian National Institute for Public Health.