On 27 June 2024, SSbD4CheM partners met in the beautiful city of Linz (Austria) and hybrid for their General Assembly at M6.
Thanks to all partners for the fantastic presentations showing the progress made in the last months and for the lively discussions on how to move forward in the next 6 months of the project.
In addition, on 28 June, the colleagues from Leiden University (ULEI) organised an internal Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) workshop to introduce LCA to all partners and to explain its use in Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD). The second part of the workshop was more collaborative. It laid the foundation for the LCA studies in SSbD4CheM, with separate break-out rooms for each of the case studies: automotive, textiles & cosmetics.
Special thanks to our colleagues from WOOD K plus for organising a fantastic meeting.
Some impressions from the meeting: