The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, SETAC, is dedicated to advancing environmental science and science-informed decision-making through collaboration, communication, education and leadership. They fulfil this purpose through events, publications, awards and education programmes.
The 2024 edition, SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting, took place in the enchambring Sevilla (Spain) on 5-9 May 2024 under the motto “Science-Based Solutions in Times of Crisis: Integrating Science and Policy for Environmental Challenges”. SETAC is a global event that promotes cross-sectoral collaboration and communication between academic, industrial and regulatory stakeholders and provides an appropriate platform to discuss safety and sustainability concerns on a global scale. The event brought together more than 3000 participants from academia, industry and regulatory agencies with a focus on environmental science.
Our colleagues Barry Hardy (EwC), Milica Velimirovic (VITO) and Stephan Wagner (HSF) attended many relevant presentations at the SETAC and participated in the SETAC Green Deal SSbD workshop aimed at making recommendations to the EU (following up on two previous virtual working sessions) to gather background information and new insight useful for the current SSbD4CheM SSbD framework and case study development.