The LIST podcast series “Tech Advantage” highlights some of LIST’s latest innovations in materials technology, sustainability and IT. The podcast features conversations with experts but also short quick-bite episodes on recent technology topics.
The podcast episode “Zooming in on nano-particle analysis” interviews Antje Biesemeier, Senior R&T Associate at LIST. She sheds light on the huge topic of nanoparticle analysis through the lens of a revolutionary focused-ion beam-based microscope developed at LIST, the MagSIMS. MagSIMS stands for focused ion beam-based high-resolution microscopy with integrated secondary ion mass spectrometry allowing in depth physico-chemical characterisation of materials and life science samples. A special focus of this podcast is led on the npSCOPE, a dedicated tool with MagSIMS capabilities that allows correlative investigation based on secondary electron imaging, SIMS and transmitted beam information analysis. Initially designed as part of an EU-funded project for the dedicated nanotoxicological analysis of metallic nanoparticles after in vitro and in vivo exposure, the tool is also successfully applied to a plethora of other research fields like batteries, electronics, soil and polymers.
The SSbD4CheM project will profit from the npSCOPEs/magSIMS’ integrated and simultaneous physicochemical characterization capabilities investigating size, shape, chemical surface composition and 3D tomographic insight into our SSbD4CheM use cases spanning from the investigation of cosmetics to textile coatings. Unprecedented lateral resolution analysis will allow investigation of nano- and microsized features of the SSbD4CheM materials obtained at room temperature and under cryogenic conditions. Corresponding cell-based nanotoxicological assessments will visualize the interaction of cells with the respective materials surfaces.

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