The Open Innovation and Digitalization of Materials and Manufacturing Conference (OIP Conference 2024) took place from 21 to 23 October 2024 in Kaiserslautern (Germany). Organised by Fraunhofer ITWM as part of a series of events by the EU projects VIPCOAT, MUSICODE and OpenModel.
The conference attracted 50 participants from acadamei, industry as well as local authorities interested in innovation processes in different fields, from energy to oxide fuel cells, battery production, etc.
The RESILIENCE-01-21 sister projects, CheMatSustain, CHIASMA, SSbD4CheM, and TOXBOX contributed to a special session focusing on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD), highlighting their pivotal role in open innovation processes in the chemicals and materials sectors. Helena Knopf-Marques (Marques, Spartha medical, coordinator of TOXBOX) represented the 4 sister projects giving individual overviews of the projects and their relation/contribution to SSbD, within the session “LCA and SSbD: role in open innovation processes – Contributed talks from SSbD projects” on October 22.
Similarly, the RESILIENCE-01-23 projects, AI-TranspWood, PINK, SiToLub, and M2DESCO, were represented by Thomas Exner (7p9, coordinator of PINK) in the same session, in his talk on enabling industry to make SSbD an innovation driver.
The agenda of the conference is available here.